Psychotherapy for Adults

Dynamic Psychotherapy: The journey to yourself
Do you feel stuck? Blocked? Anxious? Depressed? Under the surface are feelings, memories, & conflicting forces that are in the way. Discover what’s holding you back. Open up to a new way of being.
Walk & Talk
Some people think better on their feet. Join me for a walk around the block or through the park. First session in the office required.
Do you ever feel blocked or not present in your work or your life? Wake up to your own dreams. Open up the mind’s eye. Explore the inner visual realm. Day Dream group forming.
For Children & Parents

Play Therapy
Play is a child’s natural language. Instead of trying to turn them into mini-adults, play therapy allows kids to express themselves in a way that creates ease, and invite a process of change in a way that is actually fun.
Positive Parenting
No one but you knows what kinds of challenges come up with your child. Talk over your concerns so that we can find ways to work with them. Find room for yourself & your feelings, while discovering positive solutions. Come for a consultation, or join a Parenting Circle.
“Play is the answer to how anything new comes about.” – Jean Piaget